Sunday, December 2, 2007

Existential trip for products

Existential trip for products

Text: Elena Tikhonova

Haze / Mist, The / (2007)


Director: Frank Darabont
Cast: Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, William Sadler, Nathan Gamble, Alexa Davalos,…

Frank Darabont withdrew another filming Stephen King. After the previous highly successful "Escape from the Yankees' / Shawshank Redemption / (1994) and" Green Mile "/ Green Mile, The (1999) - Overcast / Mist, The / (2007) left many in frustration.

After the hurricane, Hurricane over the state of Maine, the father (Thomas Jane), with his small son sent to a supermarket. Here at the town falls protivoestestvenny fog, in which hordes infested komary-giganty, beetles the size and type of companies associated with the creation and pterodaktilyami envy, which dragged in the haze of all derznuvshih sunutsya glass door of a supermarket for more than two steps. The summit of the menageries - uveshanny tentacles lymphatic mammoth, which will form in size Godzilla and King Kong as a whole.
Personnel from the movie "haze"
Personnel from the movie "haze"

The Western press morschit nose: that the didactic preaching podsunul us Darabont, where was to be just half horror movie. In fact, the director and is not thought to withdraw a horror film. It has long been dedicated King, borrowed his apocalyptic situation, to see how the other have rendered themselves in the western own fear and despair, people.

Darabontu, in general, remembering "Shoushenk" better watch simple human history without any fiction. Here, stuck between horror (with bad prorisovannymi tentacles and reminiscence of the "Chuzhih" (1961)), trillerom (religious psihopatkoy performed by Marcia Gay Harden in the main zlodeyah) and drama (with the killing of a frustration heroes), Darabont not caught no one.

To inculcate in the hearts of viewers even more confusing, director rewrote finale. U King ends with an order that the jeep season hero and his son-in the fog and think whatever you want. Darabont same reticence and allegory abhors (for which shlopotal charged with didactics), and therefore could not put the fatty point in the fog instead rastvoryayuschegosya points.
Personnel from the movie "haze"
Personnel from the movie "haze"

This time sdyuzhit kingovskim difficult material with the director before the end it was not possible, but, as they say its doomed heroes: "We even tried, we are not in themselves than criticized."

The American press Movie

"... a movie should have been horrorom, Darabont also drawn plenty of time before all these horrible produce tentacles and zhala. again, and then returned to the conversational Performance. relatively compact for a standard yardstick for the director, the film is too long for its genre , and trying to let Darabont shy lingering scenes metyas shop for the camera in the hands, "Hollywood Reporter.

"... easy proschityvaemy finale, which is away from the film more impressive kingovskogo completion by the end of history, forcing only pozhat shoulders," Variety.

"By showing ghost figures of men and women gently falling outside, their bodies, soluble in haze, Darabont creates a much more tangible sense of what it means to fear, really, than in any of the movie dialogues. visible It does fear , "New-York Times.
Personnel from the movie "haze"
Personnel from the movie "haze"

"History focuses on how people behave, finding themselves in inexplicable captive. King Answer: bad," LA Times.

"Most of the action takes place in a supermarket, or next to it, so this is a kind of miracle that the" haze "<...> voltage creates such a force in limited circumstances," LA Times.

"Regarding finals (very different from kingovskogo), which Well, it definitely bold. perhaps even more bold than dramatically impressive," LA Times.

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